Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way?
Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way? Who vows to fight, swift and true, for what's right, night and day? Who will do all this and more for America, Carry the dream shore to shore for America, From Hoboken to Spokane?
At any rate, this one night he's out at a bar where a woman is doing an unplugged set, just her and a guitar, which should be kind of hokey but she's really good. For her last song she says, "My grandfather had this song on a record, and he used to play it for me as a kid," and then she opens with something that sounds awfully familiar. Steve stares at her, because that's the song. Who's strong and brave, here to save the American Way? But it's slow, and sad, and not all the lyrics are the same -- because the song was about him but more about this mythical hero who would do it all, and -- She's left out the line. The song was always just a lot of questions about who will fight for America or save America or give his all in battle, but in the original, there was an answer: The Star Spangled Man. And she's left the answer out. So it's not an anthem to raise money for a war or get enlistment numbers up. It's a cry out for help. Who'll rise and fall, give their all for America?
Мне в этом как-то нервно слышится порой: Oh Jay-Cee, Jay-Cee, will you die for me...
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